04. September 2020
MTB-Demo in Stuttgart "Für ein legales MTB-Trailnetz in Stuttgart - Novellierung der sog. 2-Meter-Regel" Samstag, 05.09.2020, 14:30 Uhr auf dem Marktplatz vor dem Stuttgarter Rathaus. Danach kann noch auf dem Woodpecker gefahren werden, der einzigen legalen Mountainbike-Strecke in Stuttgart. Vielleicht wird dann sichtbar wie absurd die Idee ist, dass wir alle nur auf dem Woodpecker fahren sollen. Kommt mit euren MTBs und im MTB-Outfit, so dass wir als Mountainbiker erkannt werden. ACHTUNG:...
01. September 2020
Seit einigen Wochen haben Polizeibeamte Downhillstrecken im gesamten Stadtgebiet im Blick und sprechen mit Passanten und Radfahrern. Vor allem Beamte der Fahrradstaffel sind in verschiedenen Waldgebieten unterwegs und überprüfen diese auf eigens gebaute sogenannte Trails. Dabei haben sie etliche Downhillstrecken entdeckt, die offenbar unerlaubt angelegt wurden. Im Laufe der ersten Kontrollen haben die Polizisten noch hinsichtlich der Problematik sensibilisiert und klärende Gespräche mit...
20. Februar 2020
Every time I had crossed the border into Cambodia from Don Dhet (4,000 islands in the Mekong) in the last four years, I wondered where the dusty road in a north-easterly direction would take me. This year the time had finally come. After intensive study of my TRAVEL KNOW HOW paper map in combination with the apps OUTDOORACTIVE.COM and MAPS.ME, my plan was ready: the route should be completed in three days. OUTDOORACTIVE proved once again to be useless for me personally.
06. Februar 2020
In Phoukhoun I decide not to cycle south to Viang Vieng as originally planned, but east to Phonsavan. I like it much better in the mountainous northeast, with few western tourists, than in Vang Vieng in the midst of young, drunken "backpackers", who stagger half naked through the streets and vomit unconcernedly on the road. This happened three years ago, when I had already managed the beautiful route in one day and spent two days in Vang Vieng.
19. Januar 2020
Instead of going from Luang Prabang directly to the road 13, we decide to leave the city in southern direction and cycle via Donekang to "13". We are rewarded with little traffic, mostly moderate climbs and a small pass with a refreshing downhill ride afterwards. After about an hour we turn onto road 13 and shortly after that we leave the turnoff to Kuang Si waterfall unnoticed. Neither of us are fans of mass tourism and its attractions, our highlight is the nature, the daily life, the people,...
18. Januar 2020
We have just started into the morning from Sakon Nakhon, when three other cyclists catch up with us. Annemieke and Harm from Amsterdam, who were joined in Luang Namtha (Laos) by Ally from Australia. The two Dutchmen cycled over the Balkans, Turkey, Iran, the Stan–countries and China up to Southeast Asia. Alison Wheeler (the last name seems to be the program ;-) has been cycling around the world for five years. Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Nepal - just to name a few stations on her...
05. Januar 2020
It happened again...the nightmare of every wild camping cyclist...two guys showed up in the dark...one totally on drugs or alcohol...when things run out of my control because of language problems, Sand took over and spoke lao to the guys...might have rescued us...after that we packed everything and refused down to the valley in the dark....
01. Januar 2020
On 14.12. we leave Vietnam and return to Laos. It is cool and foggy, as so often up here in the mountains. Shortly after the border my chain falls off the rear sprocket several times. A challenge I have been struggling with for a few days now. Every time I have to unpack my touring bike, turn it upside down, release the rear brake, remove the rear wheel, put the chain back on and pack the bike again. I realize that I have to change this condition and decide to shorten the chain the next...
29. Dezember 2019
On 18 November 2019 we arrive in Sa Pa (Vietnam). The location of this popular North Vietnamese small town immediately reminds me of Nepal or Darjeeling in Northeast India. For us as cyclists, this poses some challenges: once we have taken a wrong turn, we definitely go back uphill, as the town has literally been "glued" to the slope. Flat passages are scarce here. Mike is already waiting for us. But thanks to our confusing and one-dimensional app we get lost. But that's not all, the traffic in...