Again: IDC Prison


Two days ago, 30 minutes after midnight, i arrived at Bangkok airport and had no problems to get the approval to visit thailand.


Nevertheless, today i was the second time in my life on my way into IDC Prison.


Together with my friend Justin form US, who became my friend in Pokhara (Nepal) we tried to do something good again, but it ended up that curious. If someone would have told me yesterday what will happened today, i wouldn´t believed him...



Without any big emotions we entered the IDC area and then i opened the door to the office of Mrs. Apple. The friendly lady that helped me so much during my time in prison. "May i help you" she asked me. "Do you remember me?" was my answer. Then a few seconds later she recalled my face. "You look much more better" she said and then she smiled.


She asked us to sit down and we told her that we want to visit or help some prisoners. We asked her to make some suggestions related to the "right" prisoners who face kind of same pitty circumstances like i did when i got arrested.


After a while she came up with a list of names we were not allowed to see. She told us that there is one german guy still arrested since 14 months and i had an idea that this could be Hans-Peter. A few minutes later she showed me a copy of a photo and i was really shocked!


It was my neighbour in prison, Ralf, the guy who introduced me to all the rules inside. The man who told me all the stories about the other prisoners. About the chinese guy, who was in that "room" since 15 years (!!!) because he is a political refugee from china. About the japanese man who stayed in our "room" sind 12 years and all the other guys.


Ralf who played backgammon with me every day. The guy who told me his story and was still believing that he will get the money for the flight ticket (which is the only thing you need to get out of prison...only 600 €...) some day from his former business partner in germany who cheated him.


I was asked whether i want to see him right now. It would be arranged in minutes so i confirmed immediately. Went out with Justin, overwhelmed by my feelings. Got tears in my eyes. Imagined that he is still inside, on the same blanket i left him 10 months ago. And then it became crystal clear to me: i will pay him his flight ticket to set him free latest on monday.


Minutes later the door was opened and i was looking to Ralf Face-to-Face. I do not really remember what happens then. But after a little small talk i could not wait to offer him that i will get him out of prison as soon as possible.


But he denied...




We think we know something...we do not even know anything...nearly is almost not what you expect from it...





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Kommentare: 4
  • #1

    Marco Buch (Freitag, 08 Januar 2016 17:36)

    Wow, Dirk, that really touched me!
    But why would he deny your offer?

  • #2

    Jürgen (Samstag, 09 Januar 2016 10:05)

    OMG unbelievable story and I can imagine how emotional you been in that moment as you went through the prison

  • #3

    Klaus (Samstag, 09 Januar 2016 10:12)

    Hallo Dirk,
    die Reise in Mustang hatte ich auch schon auf dem Radar (oder Spiti oder Ladak), allerdings als Wanderung. Etwas neidisch bin ich schon (obwohl ich Neid sonst nicht kenne). Aber warum findest du es so ungewöhnlich, dass so viel passiert, auch vermeintlich Negatives? Vielleicht bist du auch zuviel unterwegs und solltest mal irgendwo anhalten und etwas länger an einem Ort verweilen? Ein Ashram in Indien, ein buddhistisches Kloster in Thailand, wer weiß ...
    Im Frühjahr plane ich wieder 1-2 Wochen auf La Palma zum MTB fahren und natürlich ein WE mit deinem Kurs.
    Bis dahin, viele Grüße ... und denk dran, an der Grenze immer schön den Stempel im Reisepass überprüfen.

  • #4

    Stefan (Ostf.) (Samstag, 09 Januar 2016 10:48)

    EchtKlasse Dirk!!!
    Take care mate.;-)

    Lieben Gruß